
4月8日的学生奖励大会将会表彰 top academic scholars and students who will receive Excellence-in-a-Discipline Award.

The ceremony will begin at 6 p.m. at the Eberhard Center. A list of all award recipients is posted on the Office of the Provost website. Profiles of three students are below.

Also, the Division of Student Affairs recently recognized top student leaders during an award ceremony.

Tianna Davis

Tianna Davis seated in checked sweater
Tianna Davis will receive the Gayle R. Davis First Generation College Student Emerging Leader Award.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

Tianna Davis, who will receive the Gayle R. Davis First 一代大学生新兴领袖奖,最初是 当她得知一位教员提名了她时,她感到很惊讶 申请霍恩斯坦中心库克领导学院的奖学金.

然后她读了描述达伦·沃尔霍夫教授 政治科学的主席,已经写了,并开始看到自己 as a leader.

"I always thought I was a regular student doing 政治专业大三学生戴维斯说 science. "But professor Walhof sees me as a leader and I'm going to live up to that."

A native of Detroit, Davis said it took some "major hopping" before deciding on political science. Adding a minor in human rights was key, she said. 

她计划在夏天更多地探索这个领域 months during an internship as a victim advocate.

"I'll be able to learn more about the court process and get hands-on experience in this field. I would like to 在受害者保护领域工作,并把这项工作带回 Detroit," she said. "There are not many people in these positions."

戴维斯在前线的教务长办公室工作 她是美国国家荣誉协会Pi Sigma Alpha的成员 for political science. 

She will be the first person in her family to earn a 大学学历,这是她引以为傲的事实,有时也有一些 tears. 她有两个妹妹,一个是高三学生.

"I try to be a role model and leader for my sisters. 我为自己感到骄傲,我知道我妈妈和我的家人也为我感到骄傲 proud of me," she said.

– Michele Coffill

Aseel Ayesh

Aseel Ayesh in a maroon hajib standing outside
Aseel Ayesh will receive a Glenn A. Niemeyer Award.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

来自大急流城的阿西尔·阿耶什将获得一枚 Glenn A. Niemeyer Award ,颁发给本科生和研究生 在课堂和课外活动中表现优秀.

作为一名三年级学生,阿耶什将获得两个学士学位 degrees in accounting and finance this spring. Ayesh is also part of 一个联合学位课程,正在努力完成硕士学位 在获得学士学位的同时,还获得了科学会计学位 programs. 她说这是实现她的目标的垫脚石 Certified Public Accounting license.

“By fully immersing myself in my studies with 热情和奉献,让我释放成长的潜力 development," Ayesh said. "This entails embracing 挑战是学习和坚持的机会 挫折,不断寻求扩大我的知识和技能."

阿伊什说,她感谢父母为她所做的一切 successes. 作为来自巴勒斯坦的第一代移民,阿耶什说 她的父母努力让她和她的兄弟姐妹们接受最好的教育 education systems they could find. Ayesh said they also shaped her 通过给她提供生活和 study abroad in Palestine for three years. She said that experience grounded her in her identity, roots and faith.

“接触两种完全不同的生活方式 (在东方和西方)让我欣赏到每一个的丰富 让我有机会有选择地从 两者都进入我自己的生活,同时丢弃那些不共振的 让我塑造自己的身份和世界观,”阿耶什说道.

During her time at GVSU, Ayesh has been a part of 包括弗雷德里克·梅杰荣誉学院在内的几个组织, 豪恩斯坦中心的库克领导学院和塞德曼学院 of Business mentorship program. 

“我目前正在考虑很多职业道路. 不管我的选择是什么,我的目标是追求一份能让我 这是一个回报支持我的社区的机会。” she said.

– Thomas Garrett is a student writer for University Communications. Garrett, a native of Stevensville, is a senior who is majoring in writing.

Henry Peña

亨利Peña,图为库克-德沃斯中心的缝合实验室 Health Sciences, will receive a Niemeyer Award.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills

Graduate student Henry Peña will receive a Niemeyer Award. Peña将于四月毕业,获得护理实践博士学位. 

Peña said he is grateful and honored to receive this award. 作为一名护理专业的学生,他说这个奖项显示了护士的素质 都是博天堂官方网页:服务他人和改善他们对病人的护理.

“对我来说,这是一种认可,一种谦卑,它带来了 so many emotions,” Peña said.

他很自豪能获得高级护理学位 告诉他的父母,让他知道是他们引导他走上了正确的道路.

“这与他们、我的家人和我的支持同样重要 system as it is about me,” Peña said.

Peña has had several leadership roles on campus. It 从他被提名为霍恩斯坦中心的库克开始 他的一位教授授予的领导学院奖学金. He said it created a desire to get involved in his community.

“这是一系列领导举措和 在学术之外形成的机会,”Peña说.

第一年结束时,他当上了总统 of KCON's Graduate Student Nursing Association. Through that 在经历中,他意识到自己所在社区和另一个社区的需要 成立了多元文化学生护士组织. That group is still active today under new leadership. He was also 格兰谷大学研究生组织的主席. 

Being a well-rounded student, Peña said he considers 他自己是个“万事通”,希望把自己的知识传播给别人.

“我认为一个全面发展的学生包括不同的 影响范围,无论是学术还是社区服务 to others or understanding,” said Peña.

- Samantha Drougel是大学的学生作家 Communications. Drougel is from Monroe and is a double major in film 视频制作,新闻,广播和数字媒体.

